How you can donate and support OUR organization
S.E.R. contribution
You can contribute to the maintenance of the Spiritist Center and our activities by donating via Paypal. You can schedule a monthly or an one-time-only donation.

The donations to S.E.R. Social will be directed to the campaigns that are currently listed on the donation's page. They change periodically.
here is how you're making a difference:
Spiritist Enlightenment and Renewal (S.E.R.) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in Georgia. We rely on donations to keep the center running and promote its activities and initiatives. All the work at S.E.R. is done by volunteers, including the board of directors. We attach a detailed monthly financial statement to the bulletin board at S.E.R.’s entrance. Please, feel free to reach out and ask for a digital copy of it.
Contributions to S.E.R.:
Property & Maintenance Costs
Children's Sunday Activities & Education
courses & Workshops
Contributions to S.E.R. Social:
Winter Clothing Drive to Atlanta shelters
Christmas Toy Drive & Goodies Baskets, given to low-income communities
COVID-19 relief provided to families affected by the pandemic.