It is always with great pleasure and wide-open arms that we welcome all who seek the answers to life's perennial questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where have I come from? Is there life after death? Why is there suffering?
Whether you find yourself in need of relief and consolation for your pain or are curious to know a little more about the
Spiritist principles or even those that come to us out of sheer curiosity, you will find here folks of genuine goodwill and friendly hearts.
Due to our ever-evolving human nature, what we strive for, ultimately, is to work together to foster spiritual growth—the way to the happiness to which we are all destined.
Want to know more about Spiritism or about SER? Click the button below.

our schedule
We have resumed on-site lectures according to CDC guidelines for Cobb County:
Masks are mandatory inside under Red level - the current community level for Cobb County. On Green and Yellow, masks are optional.
Visit our Facebook page for any urgent updates.